Senin, 19 November 2012

Glossary of tourism O-P

occupancy:  the percentage of available rooms occupied for a given period.  It is computed by dividing the number of rooms occupied for a period by the number of rooms available for the same period.
on-demand public transportation:  transportation services, such as taxicabs that do not have regular schedules
OTTA:  Oregon Tour and Travel Alliance
outbound operator:  a company which takes groups from a given city or country to another city or country
outbound tour:  any tour that takes groups outside a given city or country of origin, opposite of inbound
outfitter:  a business that provides services or equipment at a recreational facility, considered a sightseeing operator

pricing:  decision-making process of ascertaining what price to charge for a given tour, once total costs are known.  Pricing involves determining the markup, studying the competition, and evaluating the tour value for the price to be charged; function performed by the operations manager
 pax:  industry abbreviation for passengers
 peak fare, rate, or season:  highest level of charges assessed during a year
 port of entry:  point at which persons/cargo enters a country where customs and immigration services exist

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