Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Go to TMII with My Classmate


Assalamualaikum wr wb. okay i would like to tell about my trip,at december 2010 i went to TMII with my classmate and before we also made this plan, so that we went together,when we got there, we directly explored and saw what was there,at there,there are many traditional houses and we also entered to take a rest to charged our energy after did long trip.after that we walked again to continued our trip.             
            Before i continued my story,the first i want to tell you history of taman mini,The idea to build the smaller scale of Indonesia was originally came from soeharto's wife she is siti hartinah, her project called "Indonesian Miniature Project" was started by Harapan Kita Foundation in 1972 and inaugurated on 20 April 1975.TMII located on east Jakarta, Indonesia,it has an area of ​​approximately 150 hectares in which there are all the elements that exist in Indonesia such as traditional houses, places of worship of all religions, miniature map of Indonesia and many more. now i continued my trip with my the time we wanted to go to the doll palace, we saw a building called Sasana kriya, when we entered the room it turns out there is a handicraft products, so many handicraft at there like bracelet, necklace,ring etc.because all of handicarft was beautiful we bought some handicraft ,like me, i bought bracelet which made of wood with beautiful carving. after shopping we decided to go home because our stamina was tired. we felt satisfied eventough we was tired but its very fun. i think thats all about my trip with my friends, thank you :)

Comment : I think TMII is a wonderful place, and we could see the whole of Indonesia in one place, moreover  there are many kind of handicrafts in Sasana kriya which has a very high artistic value, if there is time I want to visit again.

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

kaktus berbentuk allah

          Apa yang anda bayangkan jika sebuah tanaman kaktus mempunyai bentuk menyerupai lafadz allah? Ini benar terjadi sebuah tanaman kaktus membentuk atau menyerupai lafadz allah dengan cabang-cabangnya yang menjuntai  dan ujung cabang melengkung.kejadian ini menggemparkan tetangga- tetangga saya karena kaktus tersebut berada di kediaman rumah saya di bekasi utara kecamatan k.a tengah, permata hijau permai.kaktus itu tidak sengaja ditemukan oleh kakak saya pada siang hari tanggal 10 april 2011 ketika sedang membersihkan rumah, dan tanaman tersebut milik dari orang tua saya ketika ingin memindahkan tanaman tersebut kakak saya terkejut  melihat bentuk tanaman tersebut. Semua warga dibuat tercengeang dan bingung dengan kaktus tersebut, tidak tahu sebabnya mengapa katus tersebut berbentuk seperti itu mungkin ini salah satu kuasa dari allah untuk memperlihatkan kepada umatnya. Tetapi banyak orang yang menganggap itu ajaib dan menyalahkan sebuah kekuasaan tersebut dengan mengkultuskannya padahal itu hanyalah satu dari banyak kekuasaan allah ,dan hanya allah yang kita harus sembah.

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012


 Definition of tourism
Theobald (1994) suggested that "etymologically, the word tour is derived from the Latin, 'tornare' and the Greek, 'tornos', meaning 'a lathe or circle; the movement around a central point or axis'. This meaning changed in modern English to represent 'one's turn'. The suffix –ism is defined as 'an action or process; typical behaviour or quality', while the suffix, –ist denotes 'one that performs a given action'. When the word tour and the suffixes –ism and –ist are combined, they suggest the action of movement around a circle. One can argue that a circle represents a starting point, which ultimately returns back to its beginning. Therefore, like a circle, a tour represents a journey in that it is a round-trip, i.e., the act of leaving and then returning to the original starting point, and therefore, one who takes such a journey can be called a tourist.
Tourism: general definition
Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.
Tourism is different from travel. In order for tourism to happen, there must be a displacement: an individual has to travel, using any type of means of transportation (he might even travel on foot: nowadays, it is often the case for poorer societies, and happens even in more developed ones, and concerns pilgrims, hikers …). But all travel is not tourism. Tourism has a direct impact on the national revenue for all touristic countries, it creates work opportunities, industries, and several investments to serve and raise nations performance and cultures, also distributes their history, civilization, and traditions

 Tourism is important, and in some cases, vital for many countries. It was recognized in the Manila Declaration on World Tourism of 1980 as "an activity essential to the life of nations because of its direct effects on the social, cultural, educational and economic sectors of national societies and on their international relations.

Three criteria are used simultaneously in order to characterize a trip as belonging to tourism. The displacement must be such that:
·         It involves a displacement outside the usual environment: this term is of
utmost importance and will be discussed later on;
·         Type of purpose: the travel must occur for any purpose different from being
remunerated from within the place visited: the previous limits, where tourism
was restricted to recreation and visiting family and friends are now expanded
to include a vast array of purposes;
·         Duration: only a maximal duration is mentioned, not a minimal. Tourism
displacement can be with or without an overnight stay. We shall discuss the
particularity of in transit visits, from a conceptual and statistical point of view.

Tourism is an activity done by an individual or a group of individuals, which leads to a motion from a place to another. From a country to another for performing a specific task, or it is a visit to a place or several places in the purpose of entertaining which leads to an awareness of other civilizations and cultures, also increasing the knowledge of countries, cultures, and history
Tourism has a direct impact on the national revenue for all touristic countries, it creates work opportunities, industries, and several investments to serve and raise nations performance and cultures, also distributes their history, civilization, and traditions
Tourism is an important industry that depends on culture and science
Tourism industry in Alexandria is reviving an ingrained past where Alexandria was the hub of East-West commerce, achieving a present that possesses all tourism industry assets, and orienting a future where touristic development, environmental and urban development, and touristic investments are essential posts of Alexandria touristic future
Since tourism is traditionally studied and examined in relation to geographic places or space, it is understandable that some tourism marketing organizations lack confidence in and basic understandings ofhow avirtual community  can be used as a marketing tool. However, we cannot afford to ignore the revolutionary changes information technology brings us, which inherently affect the ways we think oflinkin g up to each other and our notion about place and space. Fortunately, human beings always react, consciously and unconsciously, to the places where we live and work, in ways we scarcely notice or that are only now becoming known to us. As places around us change both the communities that ‘shelter’ us and the large social environments that support them will all undergo changes. Since people now can surmount time and space and ‘be’ anywhere, marketing organizations should adapt accordingly and embrace this new space as a marketing tool capable oforganiz ing people’s knowledge about, and desires for, the places they may wish to visit.
 from many source i can conlude that tourim is vital for many countries especialy in economy sector because from this a country can take benefit of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. and we can definite tourism is traveling activity that doing some strangers to visit or stay in a place to refresh or bussiness activity eventhought not all traveling activity called tourism.